2024 Monroe County Fall Festival
Queen Contest

The first call out meeting is August 27th at 6:30pm at the Ellettsville Fire Station.
Outline of Rules and Regulations
for Queen Contest Contestants - 2024
- $25.00 to enter
- 16 years old to 21 years old (22nd birthday must not fall prior to the first day of the festival)
- Must be legal Monroe County resident
- Must be unmarried, never married or had a marriage annulment
- Cannot have a child or be knowingly pregnant during pageant
- Queen must not become pregnant or married during her reign or she will be required to relinquish her title
- Contestant must not be expelled from school, arrested or convicted of a crime prior to pageant or will be disqualified
- A title holder expelled from school, arrested or convicted of a crime during her reign will relinquish her title
- The winning Queen and her Court must be prepared to spend the period of the Fall Festival as hostesses during the festival
- Three individuals will be chosen by the Queen Contest Committee to judge the contest
- The Queen Contest Committee will select individuals to tally the judges scores and will not be permitted to express their opinion with the judges
- Contestants will be judged on basis of poise, posture, personality, ability to converse, stage presence and overall impression
- Judging is divided into four categories:
- Interview
- 5-7 minutes interview with judges
- impromptu questions to be answered
- Attire will be skirted suit or dress with panty hose and pumps or heels (no pants)
- 40% of pageant
- Casual Wear
- 1st event judged
- Attire: skirt, capris or pants.
- 25% of pageant
- Evening Gown
- 2nd event judged
- Attire: formal evening gown
- 25% of pageant
- Question
- This occurs during evening gown event
- Question is the same for each contestant and will be disclosed to the contestant on Wednesday before the contest
- Contestants will not be allowed to bring notes
- 10% of pageant
- Interview
- Contestants are asked to have 5 or more $20.00 sponsors. A prize will go to whoever has the most sponsors. It will in no way determine the Queen and her Court
- There are 9 awards given during pageant
- Queen (determined by points from judges)
- First Runner -up (determined by points from judges)
- Second Runner-up (determined by points from judges)
- Third Runner-up (determined by points from judges)
- Miss Fundraiser (determined by who has the most sponsorship money)
- Miss Congeniality (Nominated by contestants. Winner is who has the most nominations)
- Miss Casual Wear (determined by points from judges)
- Miss Evening Gown (determined by points from judges)
- Miss Interview (determined by points from judges)
- Miss People's Choice (determined by attendees at the contest)

Online Entry Forms for Monroe County Fall Festival Queen Contest
- Please know by filling out the online entry form, you will be required to attend the 1st callout meeting at Ellettsville Fire Station meeting room when it is announced. If you cannot make this meeting, but still want to participate, please contact Anna May via the e-mail below before the meeting. (Moms are encouraged to come if they are able to, but not required)
- Please bring the following with you to the 1st callout meeting:
- Driver's License, Driver's Permit or Photo ID
- $25.00 entry fee (Cash, Check or Money Order - Please make checks out to Monroe County Fall Festival
Monroe County Fall Festival
2023 Queens Court

Queen - Anna Vincel

1st Runner Up - Kathryn Anderson

2nd Runner Up - Tiffany Walls

3rd Runner Up - Wren Millick

Miss Congeniality - Brianna Galyan